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Sunlight Christian Academy has developed an excellent spiritual and academic program for our preschoolers. We provide a healthy balance between child-centered and teacher-directed learning, allowing students to learn through a variety of play-based and instructional activities.

VPK Goals

The following subject areas and domains are the basis of our preschool content, in correlation with the Florida State Standards for 4-Yr-Olds:

Language Arts

• Develop and improve listening skills
•Expand vocabulary through stories, rhymes & songs
•Demonstrate reading comprehension through retelling a story, acting it out, answering questions about it, or drawing pictures about a story
•Begin to discriminate beginning letters and sounds of words
•Hold a pencil correctly and learn to form letters, numbers and shapes 
•Begin to use letters and symbols in writing to convey meaning
• Recognize and write his/her name
• Follow two to four directions in sequence



• Identify colors
• Identify shapes
• Understand number concepts 1-10
• Identify numbers 1-10
• Count to 20 
• Begin to solve mathematical problems using simple strategies
• Classify objects by color, shape, and size
• Match sets of objects
• Recognize similarities and differences
• Use measurement skills to solve problems 
• Recognize and duplicate simple patterns
•Classify (morning, noon, and night) and sequence daily activities



• Use senses to explore God’s world
• Begin to appreciate the beauty of God’s world
• Name and describe the four seasons
• Use basic scientific tools such as a magnifying glass to find out more about God’s creation


Social Studies

•Recognize the importance of listening to instructions and following given rules and directions, both at school and at home
•Continue to learn and master self-help skills 
•Understand that God gives us families and each person has a role in the family
•Name community helpers and know how they help us
•Begin to distinguish organizations such as family, church, and school and that each has distinct authorities
•Carry out necessary emergency procedure drills
•Express appropriate feelings through speech, body language, and facial expressions


Gross and Fine Motor Skills

• Perform basic running skills such as quickly stopping, running in circles, turning sharply, speeding up and slowing down, and running in a given (narrow) space.
•Perform motor skills such as jumping, hopping, balancing, and kicking
•Improve eye-hand coordination through throwing and catching balls, and aiming and throwing bean bags at a given target
• Improve fine motor skills through exposure to writing, coloring, and cutting


Christian Character Development

• Self-Concept, Self-Control, Relationships with Adults/Peers, Social Problem-Solving, Spirituality

3-Yr-Old - Bridge Program goals

The following subject areas and domains are the basis of our preschool content, in correlation with the Florida State Standards for 3-Yr-Olds:

Language Arts

• Develop and improve listening skills
• Expand vocabulary through stories, rhymes, songs, and teacher modeling
• Exposure to many types of books
• Exposure to letters and their sounds
• Exposure on how to hold a pencil and form letters, shapes, and numbers 
• Represent ideas and stories through pictures, dictation, and play
• Recognize his/her own name and begin to write some letters of their name
• Follow two to four directions in sequence



• Exposure to shapes
• Exposure to colors
• Exposure to number concepts 1-5
• Classifying objects by color, shape, size
• Matching sets of objects
• Recognize similarities and differences
• Beginning measurement skills (using comparative words such as “bigger” and “taller”)
• Introduction to estimation



• Use senses to explore God’s world
• Begin to appreciate the beauty of God’s world
• Learn about the animals that God made
• Use scientific tools such as a magnifying glass to find out more about creation


Social Studies

• Begin to understand how to follow rules at school and at home
• Beginning to learn self-help skills 
• Understand that God gives us families
• Begin to distinguish organizations such as family, church, and school and that each has distinct authorities


Gross Motor and Fine Motor

• Students will enhance Gross Motor Skills during Outdoor Classroom activities
• Students will be exposed to beginning writing, coloring, and cutting skills 


Christian Character Development

• Self-Concept, Self-Control, Relationships with Adults/Peers, Social Problem-Solving, Spirituality
*Our Bridge Program is designed for students who miss the VPK Cutoff and have birthdays between 9/2 & 12/31. The curriculum is a combination of both our 3-Year-Old and VPK programs.
For a complete list of the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards click here: Link to Florida Early Learning Standards